I had no preconceived ideas about Morocco except that there would be sun. It’s not that I wasn’t curious, or had gotten lazy, rather that the time before this holiday – like most every period before a holiday - required an intense, almost manic, attention to work to make space for time off from it. Sun was promised. That is all that mattered. Google, the omnipotent god of our times to whom we bring all our supplications and in whom we invest an almost unlimited amount of trust, assured me that there would be sun. So, on faith, we abandoned the gloomy, January skies of England for North Africa. When we were growing up in California every winter we were inundated with people like me. We called them snowbirds. That was before we knew that the average person gets less than half of the daily vitamin D they need unless they use supplements. And, that this deficiency only increases in Northern climates where our skin isn’t exposed to the sun for much of the year. ...