One post a month...not bad!

Well, for those of you who have grown as bored with my comings-and-goings as I have you're in luck! I've gotten a job. Yes, no more waiting a month or more for a new entry the blog will be back up and running as soon as I ship out. Which, looks like it will be in early October. So, what exactly is the scoop? Read on...

I'll be going to Meulaboh, Indonesia which is located along the western coast of the Aceh province that was the worst affected by the 2004 tsunami. Map. I'll be the Communication's Officer which means I'll be helping to write up internal documents as well as dealing with the media/local government as the programme closes. It's a six month gig and a welcome change from Darfur. Indonesia is the most populous Muslim country in the world and Aceh is under Shari'a law but the government there pervasive than in Sudan. Also a welcome change.

The tsunami response programme I will be working on will be closing after over two years of helping the Indonesian people rebuild their communities and lives. It is also the same programme that I went out to help with immediately after the tsunami in 2005 so I will get to work with some of the same people I got to know then.

Do let me know if you intend to be in Southeast Asia at any point over the next few months as I'd love to have visitors!


Danielle said…
We will be in Chiang Mai in December. Let's meet up!
Unknown said…
Hey Kelsey,
all the best with your work. Enjoy Indonesia as (I think) you do on places you go.
Just read your latest, will be reading the rest of your blogs.
Good luck

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