Apparently hell has frozen over...

Two things have happened this week that I thought would never happen. The first is the UN is out to ruin my life by BLOCKING FACEBOOK! Yes, the only way that I can survive being on this compound and attending all the meetings is by being allowed to make sarcastic and snide up-to-the-moment update comments about them. No more.

Then, just when I can no longer access facebook the LAST PEOPLE ON EARTH join it. You know them, the people who said they would never join. Well, they've joined. It's official 'everyone' is now on facebook. But I can't access it.

Oh, the inhumanity!!


Lee said…
Saving kids' lives, one "poke" at a time.
Tamara said…
And then, Linkedin suspended my account, as US government does not allow them to have 'transactions' with people in Sudan.... This was not my week!
Lee said…
New U.N. strategy 'Let us isolate the people in the Sudan that have communication with the outside world & then we can ignore them & no one will know.'
John said…
You won't know this, but if you could see Facebook, you'd know there one of those last people is still holding out....

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