Things I will never remember...

My brain is too small to chock it full of the miscellany that flies at me everyday. Hence, I would like to make a list of all the things that I refuse to remember:

1. When the rainy season begins and ends in Sudan.
2. People's names if I've met them only once or twice. Or, anyone who has a contract shorter than six months. Or anyone I find immemorable.
3. Anyone's birthday.
4. Any phone number.
5. Most meeting times.
6. Sphere standards humanitarian indicators.
7. Anything told to me before I've had enough coffee in the morning.
8. In what state Kwajok is located.
9. Where Nigeria is located.
10. On which border Pakistan neighbours Afghanistan.
11. The type of printer cartridge my printer takes.
12. How much wine costs at Logali.
13. The fiscal year of the U.S., Canada, UK, or any other donor country.
14. How to make excel spreadsheets do just about anything nifty.
15. Flight times.

One can simply not save the world and remember all the details. So, if i ask about any of these things and you say, 'don't you remember?' I will point you to this public blog entry and remind you that I don't.


thatgurl said…
Funny and so true for everyone!

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