
I like to think that I have a fairly high tolerance for foreign foods. I rarely get sick and follow the sound advice that if you can't tell what it is don't ask, just eat it. However, I have just returned from lunch where all the sound advice did me no good at all. On the table was a pot - of slime. There is no other way to describe the stuff. I'm pretty sure it was made with spinach of some sort - so it was green slime. It dripped off the spoon like snot. And, as we all stood around watching it the cook came out proudly beaming, announced what it was and (oh it gets better) it was supposed to be eaten with soggy pancakes. Great! Snot AND soggy bread!! Does it get any better? Some of my better colleagues choked it down. I put some on my plate with good intentions but had to sneak out to the garbage and get rid of it. Luckily, I have a power bar in my bag.


Anonymous said…

It's bolied Okra - you just haven't lived in Sudan until you have eaten it :) JK
Anonymous said…
I totally know what that is! Okra with leafy greens, aka african gumbo, aka snot soup. In Benin the mamas called it "Sauce Legume" and served it with salty smoked fish and a wad of pollenta-like corn meal. The pancake part sounds sort of ethiopian to me though...

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