To quote from an email I just received:
Dear All,
Kindly refer to the attached detail budget breakdown Micro plan as per each State. However, EPI,MoH/GoSS has completed transfer of July, 20,2009, for routine EPI acceleration - GAVI funding. is for you to implement July acceleration.
NB; three whom we did not transfer it's fund are those whom we did not received their liqudation reports e.g E.EQ, W.EQ. and Jonglei.
Dear All,
Kindly refer to the attached detail budget breakdown Micro plan as per each State. However, EPI,MoH/GoSS has completed transfer of July, 20,2009, for routine EPI acceleration - GAVI funding. is for you to implement July acceleration.
NB; three whom we did not transfer it's fund are those whom we did not received their liqudation reports e.g E.EQ, W.EQ. and Jonglei.