My plans...

So, decided yesterday that I need a plan for my life. Well, who are we kidding? I need a plan for the next six months. Mostly, because my boss is going to fly in tomorrow and ask me some hard questions about jobs I want and I would just like to have public accountability that I will not extend again. So, here's the plan (mom, listen up):

Finish contract by end of May. Do not extend any more! Do not extend, do not extend...that's my mantra.
Go to London and faff around until mid-June.
Go to Italy for a week or more with friends.
Go back to London and perhaps do more faffing.
Go to the U.S. and visit all the people who think I've fallen off the face of the earth. Including, but not limited to: Cape Cod, Missouri, San Diego, Alaska?, Idaho?, DC.
Hope that the UN has offered me some brilliant job back in Darfur.
Return here in August.

I know what they say about the 'best laid plans' but I'm going to attempt to see this one through.


Lee said…
Mom is listening! Just concentrate on 2,3,4,5 and quit worrying about the whole money thing for a little while. Have some FUN and mooch off of friends and family for a while. Being temporarily gainfully unemployed is ok. Besides that you deserve a break.
1.Finish contract by end of May.........
2.Go to London and faff around ......
3.Go to Italy for a week or more with friends.....
4.Go back to London .....
5.Go to the U.S. ....
Love ya'
Erin said…
And how about phoenix?
Anonymous said…
big fat extender - you'll extend again!!
Jeanne said…
Hey Kelsey! Jeanne Peipon here in Kyiv, Ukraine. I just found your blog the other day and it's great to 'catch up' with what you've been doing! I'll be in the states this summer for 6 weeks (including Cape Cod and St. Louis not to mention MD). It would be great to grab lunch or something if we are ever in the same part of the world :)

Oh, and I think we still have a suitcase or two of your stuff on our 'balkon'.

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